Professor Alessia Guardasole is an expert in ancient and Byzantine medical literature. She is i.a. interested in unpublished heritage of Byzantine medicine interpolated into Galenic manuscripts as well as in the presence of Alexandrian and Galenic medicine in the output of such Byzantine doctors as Oribasius, Alexander of Tralles, Aetius of Amida, Paul of Aegina and Theophanes Chrysobalantes. Professor Guardasole is a member of a research team examining the influence of Eastern medical knowledge on Greek medical literature, namely about Simeon Seth's oeuvre (11th century). She is also one of the coordinators of the research project Physiologies médicales et philosophiques (Ve s. AEC-Ve s. EC). She heads the research laboratory ‟Orient et Méditerranée” of French CNRS and Sorbonne Université.
Prof. Alessia Guardasole will deliver an online keynote lecture within the Colloquia Ceranea Conferene
May 10 2024, 9:00 CEST
Institute of History, University of Lodz, 27a Kamińskiego St.
Link to the meeting will be soon published on the Colloquia Ceranea VI website